Experience S.W.A.T. at Grace Farm
S.W.A.T. is our youth leadership training program at Grace Farm Youth Camps. The acronym stands for: Servants Worthy And True, which is the goal of the program.
Opportunity: SWAT is an opportunity for eligible students to receive Bible and leadership training with hands on opportunities in the unique context of a camp setting.
Ages: High school students are eligible to apply for the SWAT program. A student may serve on SWAT until the summer immediately following high school graduation.
Application: Students may apply for the program by clicking the “Apply for S.W.A.T” button below. You will receive an email that will tell you whether you have been accepted into the program. Please note that all applicants must apply no later than May 1. Space is limited, so please don’t hesitate to apply!
Benefits to SWAT members: For students who apply themselves, SWAT can be a life-changing experience. The training received is biblically based and amplified through practical opportunities to serve others and lead. SWAT is a fantastic opportunity for fun times of learning and serving together with other likeminded students. This program will change your life.
Costs for SWAT Members:
The SWAT Training Retreat is free to those accepted into the program. Those who are accepted into the SWAT program are required to attend. The 2025 SWAT Training Retreat is from May 29 at 7 p.m. to May 31at 11 a.m.
The Georgia Missions Project: This is a service project that allows students, adults, and families to experience a short term missions project. Participants are asked to raise support at the level of only $195.
Junior Camp: Cost is only $96 per camper, ages 8 to 12. SWAT Members who are outside the eligible age and are serving pay nothing.
Camp Grace: Cost is only $146 per camper, ages 12 to 18.
Payment: SWAT Members are not paid. The life experience you will gain is worth more than a paycheck.
Expectations: SWAT members receive unique knowledge, training, and know-how that enables them to conduct themselves and serve as SWAT members any time they come to Grace Farm, however; we expect SWAT members to enjoy the full camp experience as campers during events in which they are registered as campers.
Commitment: Upon acceptance to the program, SWAT members commit to come to the SWAT Training Retreat. This retreat is a free event for SWAT members. Upon receiving this training, a SWAT member may:
- Register as a camper for any Grace Farm event that fits the proper age category. The SWAT member pays for camp and enjoys the event as a camper, but may still help out when needed.
- Serve as a SWAT Team Member for any other events. The SWAT Team member will serve, lead, and learn while enjoying the unique benefits and fellowship of the SWAT team members. No fee payment is required for these events.
- Any time a trained SWAT member is on the Grace Farm campus, the member is expected to move, act, and do according to the training and expectations of the SWAT program.
- The Georgia Missions Project is a service-oriented missions event. Student missionaries are encouraged to seek and raise prayer and financial support. Parents may opt to simply send in the required support level, but having a support team including family, friends, and the local church is an extremely beneficial experience to the student missionary.